péntek, december 24, 2004

ezze lett...

ez volt...

vasárnap, december 19, 2004

A megbocsajtas

Koszonjuk Daninak hogy eljott, es jol beszelt. Megbocsajtasrol volt szo. Konnyu neki, mert nem tudja a hatter sztorikat a gyuliben. Azaz jo neki. Meg....

Szoval a vege fele az volt a kerdes, hogy hogyan bocsajt meg Isten. Es hogy a magyar kozmondas "Megbocsajtva de nem felejtve" mennyire rossz..

En meg azon gondolkoztam, hogy meg mindeg jobb, hogy Isten nem ugy bocsajt meg, ahogy mi bocsajtunk meg egymasnak.

Most kepzeljetek el, szegeny Iliescu sorsat, ha figyelembe vesszuk, hogy o nemcsak hogy nem felejtette el a buntettet,miutan megbocsajtott, hanem 24 ora alatt meg is gondolta magat. Azaz a megbocsajtast is. Nem csak a feledest.

Meg jo hogy Isten nem Iliescu.. Es forditva..

szombat, december 18, 2004

Mèg egy hèt ...

meg egy het, es itt van karacsony :)))
el kell felejteni, hogy milyen sok tanulni valo van, hogy jovore nehez ev jon, es arra gondolni, hogy :
"Itt van a aszeretet unnepe!!!!!"
Ezennel kivanok minden olvasomnak Kellemes Karacsonyt, jo kantalast, es sok sok havat.

csütörtök, december 16, 2004

you know when you are romanian, when

You grew up on liver sandwiches.... and thought that was normal.
Well, actually i hate liver
You make your own noodles.
sometimes. my grandma' makes them.
You had to share a room until you were 21.
just until i was 10
Everything you eat is savored in garlic and onions.
:))) i love garlic savoured food
You try and reuse gift wrappers, gift boxes, and of course aluminum foil.
ok.. i'll admit, this is true..
You are standing next to the two largest suitcases at the airport.
I haven't been yet at an airport
You arrive one or two hours late to a party - and think its normal.
well... yes...
All your children have nick names, which sound nowhere close to their real names.
So true... ( they will have nicknames like"bogaram, csillagom")
You know someone with 20 kids
aaaaa..... i guesss... only 12 kids
You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house.
that's so true...
You can fit 10 people into a Dacia.
Can and would and did.. even 11
Your parents never throw anything away and if you by some chance manage to get something to make it to the garbage can... it mysteriously appears back where it was again.
yes.. we are trying to get rid of this habbit.
You have lace curtains.
You have lace tablecloths.
You have rugs covering every inch of your house.
not exactly...
You have or had rugs on your walls.
Your mom tells you you're too skinny even though your 30 pounds overweight.
not true...
You ever heard of 'stomach stew'.
what's that?
Girls cant have boyfriends when they are 17 but they have to be married at 18.
not true
You have curtains hanging across every doorway.
not true
Your parents tell you not to care what your friends think but they won't let you do certain things because of what other 'frati' and 'surori' will think.
so true...
You know someone that married his girlfriend of 2 months.
Your mom is a doctor and force feeds you medicine for anything ranging from a headache, stomach ache to a stubbed toe.
Your house is full of Romanian medicine that is probably illegal here.
actually, paracetamol is forbidden in every western country, for it provoces cancer.. but we love it here. and we do eat it, like bread. (wel me not any more)
You and your friends have ever been kicked out of a restaurant or recreational park for being too loud or rowdy.
Your mom recycles plastic cups and paper plates, and sandwich bags by washing them.
NOOO!!! (my grandma does, dough)
You dont know how to use a dishwasher.
actually i do.
You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table.
You use grocery bags to hold garbage.
Your dad ever butchered a pig or lamb.
many many times... and i cried every time...
You keep leftover food in your fridge in as many numbers of bowls as possible.
:)) so true:))
Your kitchen shelf is full of jam jars, varieties of bowls and plastic utensils (Got free with some household items).
yet again: so true...
Going to the movies is a sin.
actually yes, it was a sin.. hm...
Your parents call you farm animals when you get them mad.
:)) yes...
Your mom ever chased you with a rolling pin or a broom telling you to stop so that she could hit you.
mine didn't. but my grandma chased my dad really often :))
Your dad ever told you to smack yourself over the mouth for being disrespectful.
yappp... :((
You're twenty years old and your parents are trying to send you to Romoville to get you married cause your old.
actually i'm 21 and getting married next year.. and i'm considered too young
Getting married at 18 is normal.
no it's not
Getting married at 16 actually happens.
It's not my fault
Your mom washes your clothing at 40.
we'll see
A new tax being passed by the government is simply a cover up because the end of the world is really coming.
Asking if you can get a discount at a discount store on clearance items is normal and not embarrassing for your parents.
You don't use measuring cups when cooking.
You feel like you've gotten a good deal if you didn't pay tax.
actually i don't have to pay tax yet
You can only travel if there are 5 persons at least to see you off or receive you whether you are traveling by bus, train or plane.
it's more cozie (?) like that
You only make long distance calls after 11 p.m.
due to new rules, after 8 p.m.
If you don't live at home, when your parents call, they ask if you've eaten, even if it's midnight.
When your parents meet strangers and talk for a few minutes, you discover you're talking to a distant cousin.
yesss!!!! it's annoying
Your parents don't realize phone connections to foreign countries have improved in the last two decades, and still scream at the top of their lungs when making foreign calls.
no, they don't
You have bed sheets on your sofas so as to keep them away from getting dirty.
:))) on all of them
It's "normal" if your wedding has 600 people.
why? that's not normal somewhere???? (:)
You dont know half the people at your wedding cuz your parents invited them.
so trueee.....
You've seen the ground while inside the lavatory of a train.
yes.. :((
You have mastered the art of bargaining in grocery shopping.
no... i'm too ashamed to bargain
You walk out of the grocery store with no less then two packed shopping carts weekly.
don't have the money
You're proud to be Romanian - and you pass these jokes on to all your Romanian friends!
no i'm not proud

szerda, december 15, 2004


kedd, december 14, 2004

Ez a desktoppom

hétfő, december 13, 2004

Kitalaltam !!!!

Meg van a megoldas szilveszterre.

Ugyanis a legnagyobb problemank mostan Gellivel es a kicsiny csapatunkkal, hogy nincs egy megfelelo helyunk szilveszterre. Marmint valahol a hegyekben.

A megoldas egyszeru:

Maradhatunk nyugodtan otthon. Ugysem lesz tobb ho sehol.

Mindenki osszecsomagol mintha 3-4 napos kirandulasra indulnank.

Szukseg van 3-4 onkentesre, aki felaldozza lakasat egy napra es egy ejszakara

Es hogy lesz ebbol szilveszteri kirandulas kerditek?

Ugy, hogy elso nap mindenki elerkezik az elso onkentes hazahoz (persze a szuloktol megszabadulni, az az onkentes feladata). Buli- kaja- beszelgetesek - mindez nagy kenyelemben, hiszen van konyha, furdo, melegites. Este mindenki ott alszik el, ahol kapja.

Masnap reggel mindenki fogja a cokmokjat, es atmegy a masodik onkentes hazahoz.

Es minden kezdodik elorol.

Ugyanaz, mintha a retezatot masznank meg, es minden este mashol aludnank el. Csak kenyelmesebb, es kevesbe koltseges.

"Urban kirandulas" :))

Ugye Geniusz vagyok... :))))

De vajon beleegyeznek a tobbiek .. ?

péntek, december 03, 2004

lehetseges-e .. ?

hogy teljesen oszinte legyen valaki.. :)

Ma bloggokat surfoltam, es raakadtam egy erdekes oldalra: "Benjamin". Azaz a blog tulajdonosa 100 tenyt ("hundred facts abaout me" ) irt le magarol.. vegig olvasva persze sokat nevettem, de rajottem, hogy egy eleg reszletes kepem alakult ki rola.

Es azon gondolkoztam, ha en tudnak-e irni egy ilyen listat. Mert 100 teny az sok.. elebb utobb lenyeges dolgokat is kelll irjal, mert kifogysz a lenyegtelenekbol. Es vajon merem e vallalni, hogy emberek ennyire megismerjenek. Nem felek-e attol, hogy elitelnek, mert ki tudja mit en hogy latok es elek meg. Es lehetek-e egyaltalan annyira oszinte, hogy csak az igazsagot irjam. Talan ugy irnam, hogy a rolam kialakitott kepet nehogy elrontsam.

Persze meg mindig marad a kerdes, hogy erdemes-e annyi mindent elarulj magadrol a korulotted levoknek. Ha igazan melyre merulok, oszinten, akkor talan meg sajat magamat is meglepem. Es a tobbieket meg inkabb. :))))

Es vegul marad a legutolso kerdes: Erdekel-e valakit egyaltalan...

Ha valakinek sikerul a lista, es kozze teszi, szoljon!

szerda, december 01, 2004

Blogok a szeren

hat igen...
Egyesek bejelentik, hogy csodot mondanak.. masok egyszeruen nem irnak.. nekem is ilyen teljesitmenyem van: egesz novemberben nem irtam.. milyen szegyen
Talan most, december elsejen, "unnepnapon" (?) illene irni, nem?
Az igazsag az, hogy az ember nem nagyon tudja mit is irjon..
Apropo a nagy dilema: bloggolas, vagy naplo iras - eszembe jutott hogy en is irtam naplot valamikor.. meghozza eleg sokat.. 5 even at irtam, 12 eves koromtol, egeszen 17 eves koromig.. biztos vagyok benne, hogy jo befektetes volt, mert mindig az a felelmem, hogy majd elfelejtem milyen 12 evesnek lenni, es nem ertem meg majd a lanyom, es nem tudok majd komunikalni vele. Elfelejtem, hogy en mit szerettem volna a felnottektol. Kulonben is volt (azaz van valahol, csak meg kell keressem) egy lapom, ahova idok soran feljegyeztem mi nem tetszett a felnotteknel. A lap celja egyszeru: majd mikor megnovok, majd elolvasom minden evben, hogy lassam min kell javitsak, hogy ne legyek "olyan savanyu felnott"...
ha belegondolok, a felnottek nagyon konnyen felejtenek.. en is mar sokmindent elfelejtettem. Meg jo hogy van Zsuzsi (12 eves unokatesom).. O eszembe juttatja milyen tinedzsernek lenni. :)
Mikor az utolso elotti laphoz ertem a naplomhoz, befejeztem.. megigertem, hogy az utolso lapot a menyegzom napjan irom meg. Azota is a naplom egy nagy boritekban van leragasztva valahol (remelem megtalalom), es ra van irva: "Valamikor 2004-2005-ben" :)) Na nem kell megijedni, nem voltam josnonel, hogy tudjam , mikor lesz a menyegzom, hanem akkor mar megbeszeltuk Gellivel, hogy kb akkor kotjuk ossze sorsunkat vegleg.
Szoval ennyit a naplomrol...
Talan megjon a kedvem bloggolni is.
Kellemes hangulatot erre a Decemberre!